Vehaara Arts in Kuala Lumpur brings your Indian wedding to life with enchanting dance performances that blend classical elegance with modern vibrancy. Our talented dancers showcase a rich tapestry of styles, including Bharatanatyam, Bhangra, and Kathak, celebrating India's diverse cultural heritage. Each performance is thoughtfully curated to create unforgettable moments, making your special day a timeless celebration of love, culture, and artistry with Vehaara Arts.
3 Performances - RM3,800
4 Performances - RM4,400-
Morning Half - RM13,000
Evening Half - RM15,000
Full Day - RM20,000
Morning Half - RM13,000
Evening Half - RM15,000
Full Day - RM20,000
Morning Half - RM13,000
Evening Half - RM15,000
Full Day - RM20,000
We will need a backstage or dressing room for our dancers to standby & do their show preparation.
Prices on our websites are regularly updated, but the Vendor/Service Provider reserves the right to modify them at any time without notice.
Contact us for any booking for availability confirmation.